The Taurhai were a humanoid species from the planet Chi'tan in the Beta Quadrant. Their civilization stretches back tens of thousands of years before the 24th century. The are the primary species of the Taurhai Unity, which occupies space spinward and "below" the Romulan Star Empire. (LUG: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire)
Physically, the Taurhai had enlarged craniums and beetled brows, with narrow, pointed chins and small mouths. They had dark hair, typically worn long, but the top of their heads were bald. Taurhai had no eyebrows, and their eyes themselves were completely black, containing neither pupil nor iris. Taurhai bodies and limbs were typically long, slender and graceful, with skin color ranging from pale tan to dark brown. Standard Taurhai dress consisted of long robes with wide sleeves, decorated with glyphs and symbols representing an individuals various achievements. (LUG: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire)
Culture and society[]
Taurhai society was based around individual achievement and excellent, a quality they referred to as taurite ("tor-ree-TAY"). Each Taurhai strove to become the most developed, skilled and capable person they could be. Their society encouraged each individual to seek excellence in whatever fields they were most suited for, and to continually broaden their skills and knowledge into new endeavours. Scientific and artistic fields were highly valued among the Taurhai. By following the precepts of taurite and seeking perfection, the Taurhai believed they added to the substance of the universe, and contributed to the continued development of their species as a whole.
The Taurhai philosophy included a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Taurhai did not seek taurite merely for personal reasons, but to take their knowledge and skills and use them to benefit others less fortunate than they. This philosophy allowed the Taurhai to create a peaceful culture devoted to progress and the improvement of life for all members of society, rather than merely a privileged elite. To the Taurhai, all achievements would come full circle, serving the public good in a myriad of ways.
By the 24th century, Taurhai culture was a meritocracy, and the government was ruled by a Council of Worthies, recognized as the most accomplished members of society, the wisest and most capable of the Taurhai people. Councilors were chosen by taking part in a lengthy competition among the various contenders, and were expected to maintain the highest standards of excellence for both themselves and their subordinates, providing an example to the rest of their people of the heights they could achieve.
Taurhai society was stratified based on individual achievement. The Taurhai recognized that all llifeforms were entitled to certain rights of dignity, fair treatment and freedom from war, hunger and other basic concerns. At the same time, they believed that all beings were not "equal," and individuals must be judged on their actions and achievements, rather than any preconceived notions. Work was to be performed by those best suited to the task, and a Taurhai laborer highly skilled at their job received as much recognition and acclaim as a great statesman, scientist or athlete. Those Taurhai who achieved more received great responsibilities and opportunities, while underachievers were entrusted with fewer important tasks (but always retained the opportunity to redeem themselves and excel). Taurhai who achieved the most had a responsibility to help guide those who achieved less, for the good of all. LUG: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire
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External links[]
- Taurhai article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- Taurhai article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.