Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

Starbase 25 was a Starfleet facility in operation from the at least the 2260s through the 2380s. The Watchtower-class space station was established in the 23rd century, orbiting the planet Dengella II. (TOS novel: Allegiance in Exile; LDS: "An Embarrassment of Dooplers")

Starfleet's Command Conference was traditionally held at Starbase 25, beginning in the mid-23rd century. (LDS: "An Embarrassment of Dooplers")

In 2269, it was at the edge of Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant. During the final year of her five-year mission under Captain James T. Kirk, the USS Enterprise reported to Starbase 25. (TOS novel: Allegiance in Exile)

The shuttlecraft Copernicus transported a Slaver stasis box to Starbase 25 in 2270. Later, the alien artifact analysis lab at the starbase studied a recovered Preserver space buoy. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon"; TOS comic: Who's Who in Star Trek)

The station's bar was called The Roadhouse. (TOS novel: Allegiance in Exile)

Beckett Mariner lived on Starbase 25 sometime prior to 2380. A Quark's opened on the station at some point between her departure and 2381. (LDS: "An Embarrassment of Dooplers")

Federation starbases and space stations
Starbases 12345678910111213141516171818 (II)192021222324252627282930313233343536373839-Sierra404142434445464747 (Vanguard)484950515253545556585960616263646566676869717273747576777879808182838485868788899091929395969799101102103104105106108109112113114117118120121122123127128129133134137143144146152153157162171172173174175176178179180182185189193197200201209210211212214215217218219220222223224227231234235236237244247252257260261263264268277295297301302303307309310311312313314315324325326328332336343344347357364371375376383384389393395397401410411412413414416419420422434440452473495505512514515521522523524528535541544585592592-Epsilon612621623693714718732771804823834901906911BravoCopernicusDevalokaDiamandis 1DouglasEarhartEchoFederation HeadquartersG-6IcarusIndiaIridaniLeonovMagellanMcNairMontgomeryR-3Sol StationSpacedock OneVanguardYorktown
Deep Space Stations 1234567899 (II)101112131417253
Other stations Asobi StationBrundage StationChiron StationDaystrom StationDrozana StationEpsilon 19Fontana StationHelaspont StationJupiter StationRegula I
Space station classes Anchorage classAurora classCanopus classCopernicus classFrontier classGuardian classHelios classInvictus classJupiter classLotus classK classNarendra classOurnal classPresidium classProbert classRegula classSierra classSigma classStrongpoint classTranquility classUnity classVision classWatchtower class

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