Star Trek: Pendragon was a fan fiction series based on the Star Trek universe, written by T.J. Drake (under the name T.L. Morgan). Conceived as an alternate history, splitting off from the canon timeline shortly before the Dominion War, it began circa 1999, with the writing of "L'Morte d'Maquis," and continued with the "pilot episode" "True North". Both short stories were published on the TrekCreative email group, as well as the Trek Writer's Guild and elsewhere online. Additional tales were written sporadically, but only several drabbles and a few fragments remain available online, and much of the original data was lost in a series of hard drive failures, floods, and other incidents.
The Pendragon series concept grew out of ideas originating from earlier stories of the starship Avalon, and tales written for The UFP Connection writing club in the mid-1990s.
Work on the series stalled in 2006, after a series of family tragedies began to drastically effect the author's life. By 2010, he had begun working on the stories again, but that work was short-lived as more hardship struck, followed by a debilitating illness and subsequent disability.
Now, in 2020, more than two decades after its origins, the rebirth of Star Trek: Pendragon is at hand. This version, Pendragon 2.0 if you will, has been conceived less as a linear series and more an umbrella for storytelling within the broader Star Trek universe. Short stories, drabbles, novellas, comics, scripts and audio dramas are all on the table, as well as a campaign setting for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game. The alternate history concept may be revisited on occasion, but this iteration of Pendragon is firmly placed in Star Trek's prime timeline.
External links[]
- Star Trek: Pendragon (original version) at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanworks wiki.