Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
This article is about the sector block. You may be looking for the smaller Maxia sector with in it..

The Maxia sector block (informally, the Maxia Sector) was a large region of space in the Alpha Quadrant along the western edge of Federation space. It encompassed a number of individual sectors, including the Maxia sector itself, and was near or adjacent to the Orellius and Beta Ursae sector blocks. (Star Trek: Pendragon)

The region was named for the Berengarian constellation Maxia. (TLE novel: The Buried Age)

Aside from the Federation, the Cardassian Union, Ferengi Alliance, and Ubarrak Primacy all held territory or interests in the region, with several unclaimed border sectors contested between them in the 2320s and 2330s. The Balduk and the Ollayans also had worlds in the area, and the Tzenkethi Coalition was nearby. (STA novel: Oblivion; Maker, et. al; Kal-Dixas Spaceport; Star Trek: Star Charts)

The nexus energy ribbon passed through the region every 39.1 years on its journey across the galaxy. (STA novel: Oblivion)



Argus sectorMaxia sectorMizar sectorOblivion sector

Star systems[]

Argus systemAlcor systemGamma Bootis (Seginus) • Lambda BootisLukari systemMara Zenaya systemMaxia Alpha systemMaxia Zeta systemMizar systemOmega Sagitta systemPurmata systemTurion systemTyra systemXendi Sabu systemZarta system


Alcor IVAltecGideonLambda Bootis IPurmata VIStralebTurion PrimeWeyland PrimeZarta


Dorias ClusterNehru ColonyOblivionStarbase 32Xendi Starbase 9