Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
For similarly named articles, see Luna (disambiguation).

Luna was a Class D planetoid, and the single moon of the planet Earth in the Sol system. Commonly known simply as the moon for much of human history, Luna was colonized in the 21st century, and while the colloquial term fell out of favor during the era of interstellar travel, many Lunar-born humans still used the archaic name. (DS9: "Valiant")

Though humanity's first official landing on the moon was in 1969, Luna had been the site of extraterrestrial activity for far longer. The Vulcans, among others, had used the planetoid as a temporary base from which to observe the planet Earth prior to the 20th century. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; TOS novel: Star Trek: The Motion Picture; TOS novel: Prime Directive)

The first human colony on the moon was established circa 2039. The Lunar Colonies were mostly built within pressurized habitat domes, and outside those, there was low gravity and no atmosphere. The sun rose once a month, and the event, called lunar morning, was a special occasion for the colonists. (Star Trek: Star Charts; DS9: "The Valiant")

Having grown since the early days of colonization, by 2155 Luna had become a fully self-sustaining world in its own right. By 2373, there were over 50 million people living on the moon. Earth slang referred to the moon's inhabitants as "Lunar Schooners," and on a clear day a person standing on Earth could see the settlements of Tycho City, New Berlin and Lake Armstrong. (ENT: "Demons"; Star Trek: First Contact; DS9: "Valiant")



Alan B. Shepard DomeAldrin CityArmstrong City / Armstrong CenterCopernicus CityFarsideLuna City / Lunar One Colony / LunaportLunasphere ArtemisNew BerlinNew ChicagoOceanviewTycho City

institutions and buildings[]

Aldrin City Archives AnnexCollins AmphitheatreCopernicus Ship YardDisneymoonGoddard MoonbaseHadley Rill HospitalHiBeam Energies LimitedKashishowa StationLunar Base 3Lunar Hall of JusticeO'Hare Rocket PortTranquility BaseTranquility ParkTycho Starship YardsUniversity of CopernicusUniversity of Luna

geographical features[]

Fra MauroLake ArmstrongMare Nubium (Sea of Clouds) • Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) • Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) • Tycho Crater

orbital facilities[]


External links[]