Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
Spock with lyre

Spock with his ka'athyra

A ka'athyra was a stringed musical instrument from the planet Vulcan. A type of Vulcan harp, it was also known as a Vulcan lyre, Vulcan lyrette, lythrette, or -- somewhat inaccurately -- a Vulcan lute. (TOS: "Charlie X", "The Way to Eden"; TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)

Traditionally, ka'athyras were made of li'pon and sher skah wood, with ba'hun'ahb inlays and eridianite pins. It had tonal qualities reminiscent of not only Terran harps and lutes, but also sitars and, to some extent, violins. (Star Fleet Technical Manual)

Sarek, Spock, Tuvok and Sonek Pran were all noted ka'athyra players. The instrument was widely regarded by non-Vulcans as well, and it was taught at the Tenaran Music Academy on Trill and many other prestigious institutions. Offworlders who played ka'athyra included Nyota Uhura, Joran Dax and Sutra, a Coppelian android. It was also popular on the planet Aldea. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King", "Elaan of Troyius"; VOY: "Innocence"; ST novel: A Singular Destiny; DS9 short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor"; PIC: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1"; TNG: "When the Bough Breaks")

Spock's ka'athyra had been a gift from his father. The two of them had once competed in the All-Vulcan Music Competition; Spock had come in second, and while Sarek had taken first place. Spock found playing the instrument to be "relaxing," and considered the transposition of music from other worlds for the ka'athyra to be a compelling exercise in logic. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius"; TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)

When the Ferengi Commerce Association seized the possessions of Doctor Solev in the Ferengi year 18217, a ka'athyra was among the items they found and liquidated. (Legends of the Ferengi)

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