Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
Maquis raider

A Ju'day-class starship.

The Ju'day class was a type of Federation starship in service during the 24th century. It shared a basic design with Peregrine-class fighters, though "upscaled" to more than twice the size. This type of vessel was later nicknamed the Condor class, and individual ships were referred to as "Condors". (TNG: "Preemptive Strike"; VOY: "Caretaker", "Repression"; Star Trek CCG)

Commissioned during the 2330s, the were originally used as couriers and transports, quickly becoming one of the most widely-used warp capable civilian craft in the Federation. In the 2370s, they were one of the primary types of vessels used as raiders by the Maquis.

In its standard configuration, Ju'day-class raider was approximately 68.5 meters in length (compared to 30m for the Peregrine fighter), could hold a crew compliment of around 30, and had a top rated speed of warp factor 9. (Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection; VOY: "Caretaker")

Known vessels[]

  • Condor
  • Guingouin
  • Liberty
  • Valjean
  • Zola

External links[]