Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

The Grus'tok sector was an area of space in Klingon territory in the Beta Quadrant, along the Empire's shared border with the United Federation of Planets. It was adjacent to the Gariman sector, and not far from Pakled space. During the 23rd century, it was disputed territory between the two powers and part of the Klingon Neutral Zone ran through the sector. The region was fully ceded to the Klingons in the Khitomer Accords.

There were at least 11 inhabited systems in the sector was, and the region was often seen as a microcosm of the Federation-Klingon alliance. Its supporters saw the prosperous colonies, abundant resources and healthy interstellar trade as a great success, while those opposed to the alliance saw Grus'tok as a place where warriors became soft and lazy, and where the Federation way of life wormed its way into the Klingon heart.

The Federation had established several colonies in the sector during the 23rd century. When it was agreed the region would be ceded to the Klingons, the colonists were given the option of relocating, but most chose to stay and accept Klingon rule. Though there were a few conflicts early on, the arrangement worked out well, surprising the governments on both sides, and helping to cement the foundations of the new alliance between the two powers. Over time, the Klingons and other inhabitants of the sector began to intermingle, and even intermarry, which lent fuel to the xenophobic fervor of some "purists" within the Empire. The descendants of the original Federation colonists were often sought as guides and intermediaries thanks to their understanding of Klingon culture. (LUG: Blood & Honor: The Klingons)

Forcas III was one of the most prominent worlds in the sector, a cosmopolitan melting pot where Klingon and Federation cultures met and mixed. Known for its cuisine and entertainment, Forcas hosted a prestigious bat'leth tournament and was home to a renowned opera company. Trade routes from Forcas ran to Kessik IV, Cestus III, Renavi and other worlds in nearby sectors. (Star Trek: Pendragon; TNG: "Parallels"; Star Trek Generations)

The Vodrey Nebula lay on the edge of the sector, near the Federation border and neutral space. Maranga IV lay on the opposite side of the nebula from Federation space, and was home to a Klingon outpost. Maranga was also the closest Klingon world to the Kalla system in Pakled territory, some sixteen hours distance at standard warp. (TNG: "Firstborn")

The sector was not without its political intrigue, as worlds like Jeh'hara IV became meeting grounds for dissidents and members of renegade houses. The colony there was considered a "hotbed of sedition," and was home to a number of political radicals and splinter groups, including the teH'tIq ("True Hearts"), who believed that the Klingon heart was slowly being "poisoned" by Federation ideals and philosophies. By the 2370s, the group's influence had begun to spread to other worlds in the sector, including Forcas III. (LUG: Blood & Honor: The Klingons)


Forcas system (Forcas III) • Fortellis systemGamma Notara systemJeh'hara system (Jeh'hara IV) • Maranga system (Maranga IV) • Rectys systemVodrey Nebula