Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

A Corvallen freighter captain, circa 2369

The Corvallens were a humanoid species, distinguished by having rough, crackled skin that resembled a patchwork or mosaic pattern. During the 24th century, they were heavily involved in interstellar trade and commerce, and many Corvallans owned or served on freighters or transport vessels. Some hired themselves out as mercenaries, or worked for groups like the Orion Syndicate.

During the 2360s and 2370s, Corvallen freighters commonly operated near the Romulan Star Empire, as well as the Bajor sector and areas around the Cardassian Union. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy", "Firstborn"; DS9: "Necessary Evil", "Chimera", et. al)

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