Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

Betazed (also called Cyndriel or Beta Veldonna V), was a Class M planet in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the fifth planet of its star system, and had at least three moons. It was the homeworld of the Betazoid species. (TNG: "Menage a Troi"; The Worlds of the Federation; LUG: Planets of the UFP)

Betazed joined the United Federation of Planets sometime in the 2230s, and over the next century, became a prominent member of the Federation, with many Betazoids serving in Starfleet, the Federation Diplomatic Corps, and elsewhere. (DSC novel: Drastic Measures; Star Trek: The Next Generation)

The capital cities of Betazed were Medara and Rixx. (LUG: Planets of the UFP; Star Trek: Star Charts)

Lake Cataria was an inland body of water on Betazed; both it and the Opal Sea were popular vacation spots. Another feature famed for its beauty was Janaran Falls. (TNG: "All Good Things...", "Second Chances"; Star Trek Nemesis)

By the 24th century, Betazed had established a small colony on its neighboring planet, Darona. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)

At the height of the Dominion War in 2374, Betazed fell to the combined forces of the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassian Union, and was occupied for several months before being liberated. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight", "The Sound of Her Voice"; TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)


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