Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

23rd century - 24th century - 25th century

The 24th century was defined by Earth's Gregorian calendar as the period from the years 2301 to 2400, and was the fourth century of the third millennium CE.



Major events[]

  • 2311: The Tomed Incident occurs and the Romulan Star Empire withdraws into isolation.
  • 2344: The USS Enterprise-C is lost in battle at Narendra III.
  • 2363: The USS Enterprise-D is launched under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
  • 2364: The Q Continuum makes itself known to the Federation.
  • 2365: First contact between the UFP and the Borg Collective (officially) takes place.
  • 2369: The Bajoran wormhole is discovered by Commander Benjamin Sisko.
  • 2371: The USS Voyager becomes stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
  • 2373-2375: The Dominion War takes place.
  • 2377: Voyager returns from the Delta Quadrant, and the Borg's transwarp network is destroyed.
  • 2379: The Shinzon incident occurs.
  • 2385: Rogue synths attack Mars, and the UFP institutes a ban on all synthetic life.
  • 2399: The UFP's synth band is lifted.
Distant Past Early Common Era 20th Century 21st Century 22nd Century 23rd Century 24th Century 25th Century Second half of the Millennium Far Future


External links[]