2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382
(stardates 56000 to 56999) |
2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s 2400s |
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century |
The following events occurred in the year 2379 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 56000 to 56999.
- June
- 30 June (stardate 56494): The USS Voyager docks at Proxima Station before heading out on a deep space survey of the Yaris Nebula, a mission expected to last for ten months. (VOY novel: Full Circle)
- November
- William T. Riker and Deanna Troi marry in Alaska. After the wedding reception, they and their shipmates depart for Betazed about the Enterprise-E for a traditional wedding ceremony there.(Star Trek Nemesis)
- While en route to Betazed, the Enterprise detects a positronic coming from the planet Kolarus III near the Neutral Zone. An away team led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard discovers B-4, one of Dr. Noonien Soong's early prototype androids. Shortly afterwards, the Enterprise is ordered to Romulus, in response to an "invitation" from the new Romulan Praetor. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- 05 November (56844.9): The USS Enterprise-E visits Romulus, where it is revealed that the new Praetor Shinzon is not truly Reman, but rather a clone of Jean-Luc Picard. The diplomatic overture is discovered to be a ruse to capture Picard and obtain his DNA in order to stabilize Shinzon's degenerative condition. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- Starfleet's Battle Group Omega is dispatched to aid in the mission, though they arrive too late to assist as the the Enterprise and Shinzon's dreadnought warbird Scimitar engage in battle in the Bassen Rift between Romulus and Earth. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- Though aided by Commander Donatra, the Enterprise is severely damaged by the Scimitar. Lt. Commander Data sacrifices his life to save Captain Picard, destroying the Scimitar and its thalaron weapon. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- In the aftermath, the Enterprise is towed back to Earth for repairs. During the ship's refit, Commander Riker and Counselor Troi leave to take up their new posts on the Titan, which is assigned to lead a team of ships to continue negotiations with the Romulan Star Empire. (Star Trek Nemesis; TTN novel: Taking Wing)
- As the sole surviving member of the Romulan Senate, Tal'Aura declares herself Praetor, though the infighting continues. (TTN novel: Taking Wing; STO: The Path to 2409)
First Splinter timeline[]
- August
- Prime Minister Kinchawn of Tezwa claims sovereignty over the Klingon colony world of Qi'Vol, leading to a diplomatic incident that ends in the destruction of a Klingon Defence Force fleet. The Klingons bombard Tezwa, and subsequently invade the planet. In an attempt to keep the Federation's earlier involvement with the planet secret, Federation President Min Zife orders Captain Jean-Luc Picard to conquer Tezwa before the Klingons. Picard succeeds in this mission, though without knowledge of the true reasons behind his orders, and Tezwa becomes a Federation protectorate. (TNG novel: A Time to Kill)
- September
- The Tezwan occupation by Starfleet suffers an insurgency led by the ousted Kinchawn, which results in thousands of Federation deaths. President Zife and his aides Koll Azernal and Nelino Quafina attempt a further cover-up of the Federation's placement of nadion-pulse cannons on Tezwa during the Dominion War, again using the Orion Syndicate in an effort to implicate the Tholian Assembly. Their plan fails, and Starfleet discovers the truth of the weapons' origins. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)
- October
- After the millions of deaths in the Tezwa Affair, a cabal of senior Starfleet officers including Captain Picard and Admirals William Ross, Alynna Nechayev, Owen Paris, Edward Jellico and Mamoru Nakamura conspire to force the resignations of Zife, Azernall and Quafina. This effort is led by Ross, Nechayev and Nakamura, who force the issue at gunpoint. Zife's subsequent resignation speech is broadcast to the Federation at large. Afterwards, and unbeknownst to the others, Ross is forced by Section 31 to allow Zife and his aides to be assassinated. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)
- The day of President Zife's resignation, the Federation Embassy on Qo'noS is taken over by the Klahb, a Klingon terrorist group dedicated to the removal of Chanellor Martok and the end of the Khitomer Accords. Ambassador Worf is later able to retake the embassy single-handed. Afterwards, he passes his diplomatic duties to his son, Alexander Rozhenko, and reactivates his Starfleet commission. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Following Zife's resignation, a special election is called. A brief campaign ensues between the two main candidates Governor Nanietta Bacco of Cestus III and Federation Councillor Arafel Pagro of Ktaris. After a highly successful debate performance, Bacco handily defeats her opponent on election day, and is sworn in as President of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace; ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
Assignments and promotions[]
- By this year, Kathryn Janeway has been promoted to vice admiral and is serving at Starfleet Command. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- Brad Boimler graduates Starfleet Academy with the rank of Ensign. His first assignment is aboard the USS Cerritos. (LDS: "Second Contact")
- 1 May (stardate 56329.4): Ensign Sam Rutherford transfers from Douglas Station to the USS Cerritos. (LDS: "Moist Vessel", "Reflections")
- Commander William T. Riker receives orders promoting him to Captain and assigning him to command of the USS Titan, both of which he will assume at year's end, following his final mission as first officer of the Enterprise-E. (Star Trek Nemesis)
- Following the departure of Captain Riker and the death of Data, Worf is promoted to the rank of Commander and assumes the post of Enterprise first officer. (TNG relaunch; PIC novel: The Last Best Hope)
- June
- Admiral Janeway and Captain Chakotay meet for dinner, and admit their continued romantic feelings towards each other which they had both repressed during their sojourn in the Delta Quadrant; this results in a romantic liaison and an arranged date in Venice upon Voyager's return from the Yaris Nebula. (VOY novel: Full Circle)
External link[]
- 2379 article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2379 article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2379 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
2378 | 24th century 2370s |
2380 |