2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381
(stardates 55000 to 55999) |
2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s 2400s |
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century |
The following events occurred in the year 2378 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 55000 to 55999.
- The USS Voyager is finally able to establish real-time, two-way communications with the Federation. (VOY: "Author, Author")
- 5 April (stardate 54868.6): Naomi Wildman and Neelix organize a celebration in honor of the 315th First Contact Day anniversary. A few days thereafter, Neelix decides to leave Voyager and remain at a Talaxian colony. (VOY: "Homestead")
- Spring (stardate 59473.4)[1] The USS Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant through a Borg transwarp hub, inflicting serious damage to the Borg Collective in the process. (VOY: "Endgame")
- November
- The USS Spirit (NX-79995) is launched as a test bed for Starfleet's quantum slipstream drive experiments, utilizing technology and data brought back from the Delta Quadrant by the USS Voyager. (Ships of the Line 2009)
Assignments and promotions[]
- Lieutenant Taurik transfers to the USS Enterprise-E as assistant chief engineer. (TNG novel: A Time to Sow)
- Spring: Miral Paris is born about Voyager as the ship returns to the Alpha Quadrant, shortly after stardate 54973.4. (VOY: "Endgame")
Other realities[]
First Splinter timeline[]
- Kira Nerys retires from active duty and becomes a novice in an order of the Bajoran religion. (Star Trek: Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
- Captain Asfarah Eden begins working on Project Full Circle, tasked with examining and logs and data brought back by the USS Voyager during her 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. (VOY novel: Full Cirlce)
- The USS Voyager is relaunched under the command of Captain Chakotay. Lieutenants Harry Kim and Vorik serve as security chief/tactical officer and chief engineer, respectively. Lt. Commander Tom Paris becomes her first officer upon his return from paternity leave. (VOY novel: Spirit Walk)
Mirror Universe[]
- In the First Splinter's mirror universe, the Terran Rebellion finally defeats the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, and the Terrans gain their freedom after eight decades. They join with other races and form the Galactic Commonwealth, loosely based on the prime timeline's United Federation of Planets. (Star Trek: Mirror Universe novel: Rise Like Lions)
- VOY: "Human Error"
- VOY: "Q2"
- VOY: "Author, Author"
- VOY: "Friendship One"
- VOY short story: "Seven and Seven"
- VOY: "Homestead"
- VOY short story: "Bottomless"
- VOY: "Renaissance Man"
- VOY: "Endgame"
- While the stardates for these Star Trek: Voyager episodes would indicate they fall in 2377, dialogue in VOY: "Homestead" explicitly indicates a date of 6 April, 2378 for the episode's opening scene. VOY: "Endgame" takes place sometime afterwards, and references the events of VOY: "Human Error" as taking place "three months ago," placing it no earlier than January. There is unfortunately no satisfactory way to resolve the conflicts between stardates and calendar dates in this instance, so the hard date from "Homestead" is given preference.
External link[]
- 2378 article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2378 article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2378 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
2377 | 24th century 2370s |
2379 |