2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380
(stardates 54000 to 54999) |
2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s 2400s |
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century |
The following events occurred in the year 2377 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 54000 to 54999.
- 22 January: On stardate 54058.6, B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris marry aboard the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Drive")
- 06 March (stardate 54179.2): The USS Sally Ride returns to normal space-time, having traveled more than 25 months into their subjective future. (SOT: "The Fallen King")
Assignments and promotions[]
- Daniel Hunter is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and becomes second officer aboard the USS Nokoni. (Star Trek: Intrepid)
- Rhea Kadani becomes commanding officer of the USS Red Cloud. (Star Trek: Prometheus)
- Captain Richard Adams is given command of the USS Prometheus by Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar. (Star Trek: Prometheus)
- May: Sarjenka graduates from Starfleet Medical Academy, earning her doctorate and a commission as Lieutenant junior grade. (SCE novel: Progress)
- Dr. Tixal Tix begins serving aboard the USS Solstice as one of the vessel's medical staff. (Star Trek Adventures: The Lost Frontier: Episode 1)
- Circa this year, Samanthan Rutherford graduates from Starfleet Academy as an Ensign. He is assigned to Douglas Station. (LDS: "Reflections")
- DS9 novel: Warpath
- VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
- TNG novel: The Genesis Wave, Book 3
- DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry
- DS9 novel: The Soul Key
- SCE novel: Honor
- TNG novel: Genesis Force
- ST novel: Vulcan's Soul: Exodus
- VOY: "Imperfection"
- SCE novel: Blackout
- SCE novel: The Cleanup
- VOY: "Drive"
- VOY: "Critical Care"
- VOY: "Repression"
- SCE novel: Echoes of Coventry
- VOY: "Inside Man"
- ST novel: Vulcan's Soul: Exiles
- ST novel: Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany
- VOY: "Body and Soul"
- VOY: "Nightingale"
- VOY: "Flesh and Blood"
- SCE novel: Progress
- SCE novel: Turn the Page
- SCE novel: Troubleshooting
- SCE novel: The Light
- TNG novel: A Hard Rain
- VOY: "Shattered"
- Star Trek: Borg
- VOY: "Lineage"
- SCE novel: The Art of the Comeback
- SCE novel: Signs from Heaven
- SCE novel: Ghost
- VOY: "Prophecy"
- VOY: "The Void"
- VOY: "Workforce"
- SCE novel: Remembrance of Things Past
- DS9 short story: "Reservoir Ferengi"
- Star Trek: Away Team
- DS9 novel: Ascendance (Part 1)
External link[]
- 2377 article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2377 article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2377 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
2376 | 24th century 2370s |
2378 |