Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki
2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373

(stardates 47000 to 47999)

2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s 2380s 2390s 2400s
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century

The following events occurred in the year 2370 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 47000 to 47999.



  • A treaty is signed between the Cardassian Union and United Federation of Planets, which modifies the borders between the two powers, and cedes a number of Federation colonies to the Union. Colonists who wish to remain on their homes are forced to give up Federation citizenship and live under Cardassian rule. A Demilitarized Zone is established along the border. (TNG: "Journey's End")
  • Contrary to the treaty, the Cardassians will continue to arm their colonists, as well as mistreat the former Federation colonists, even going so far as to cause "accidents" resulting in many deaths. These offenses -- and the sense that the colonies have been abandoned by the Federation and Starfleet -- quickly gives rise to the Maquis insurgency. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Maquis, Part II"; TNG: "Preemptive Strike"; VOY: "Caretaker")


Assignments and promotions[]




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2369 24th century