Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

2330s - 2340s - 2350s - 2360s - 2370s - 2380s - 2390s
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century

The 2360s was the seventh decade of the 24th century, according to the Earth calendar. This decade was a pivotal point in galactic history, presaging a new era of both exploration and conflict for the United Feederation of Planets. The early years of the decade saw the end of the Federation-Cardassian War, the launch of the first Galaxy class starships, and the re-emergence of the Romulan Star Empire; while the latter half saw the official first contact and initial conflicts between the Federation and the Borg Collective, the end of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, and the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole.



External link[]

2350s Timeline
24th century