2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347
(stardates 21000 to 21999) |
2310s 2320s 2330s 2340s 2350s 2360s 2370s |
23rd century - 24th century - 25th century |
The following events occurred in the year 2344 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 21000 to 21999.
- February
- 05 February (stardate 21096.4): Romulans attack the Klingon colony on Narendra III. The USS Enterprise-C responds to the colony's distress call, but encounters four Romulan warbirds is destroyed defending the colony in what will be known as the Battle of Narendra III. Some survivors are captured and taken as prisoners, including Natasha Yar from an alternate future timeline. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise"; ST novel: Vulcan's Heart)
Assignments and promotions[]
- Chakotay enters Starfleet Academy this year, sponsored by Captain Hiromi Sulu. (VOY: "Tattoo"; VOY novel: Pathways)
- Richard Adams also enrolls in Starfleet Academy. (Star Trek: Prometheus)
- Spock and Saavik are formally married on Vulcan, consummating their 2329 betrothal. (ST novel: Vulcan's Heart)
External link[]
- 2344 article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2344 article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2344 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
2343 | 24th century 2340s |
2345 |