2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 |
2260s 2270s 2280s 2290s 2300s 2310s 2320s |
22nd century - 23rd century - 24th century |
The following events occurred in the year 2293 according to the Earth calendar.
- January?
- The Praxis incident occurs. The subspace shockwave generated by the Klingon moon's destruction collides with the USS Excelsior, and Captain Hikaru Sulu reports the events to Starfleet Command. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- March?
- The USS Enterprise-A is assigned to escort Chancellor Gorkon and his retinue to Earth. Following Gorkon's assassination, Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy are sentenced to Rura Penthe, while Captain Spock and the Enterprise crew work to effect a rescue and uncover the truth, leading to the discovery of a conspiracy within Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- The Khitomer Conference takes place, and the Enterprise and Excelsior crews are instrumental in preventing the assassination of Federation President Ra-ghoratreii. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Assignments and promotions[]
- March?
- Lieutenant Valeris is assigned to the USS Enterprise-A. Shortly thereafter, her part in the conspiracy within Starfleet is exposed, and she is taken into custody. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TOS novel: Cast No Shadow)
- November
- John Harriman is promoted to Captain, and through his father's efforts, is given command of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B). Shortly thereafter, the ship is launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards, though both Harriman and the Enterprise are proven to be unprepared. (Star Trek Generations; TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter; TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins)
- March
- Klingon Chancellor Gorkon is assassinated. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- General Chang and the crew of his bird-of-prey are killed in battle over Khitomer. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
- April
- Date is 19 or 20 September, per the novel.
- January
- March
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country / VOY: "Flashback"
- TOS novel: Best Destiny (framing sequences)
- TOS novel: Mind Meld
- April
- 16 April: TOS novel: Sarek
- TOS novel: Shadows on the Sun
- Star Trek: Shattered Universe
- TOS novel: War Dragons (framing sequence)
- October
- TOS novel: The Ashes of Eden
- TOS novel: The Last Roundup (alternate, not compatible)
- November
- ST novel: Federation (Prologue & Epilogue)
- TOS short story: "The Lights in the Sky"
- Star Trek Generations (prologue)
- December
- TOS novel: Its Hour Come Round
- ST novel: Engines of Destiny
- TOS short story: "The First Law of Metaphysics"
- The dating for The Undiscovered Country is somewhat conjectural. Relevant data points include:
- The Star Trek Chronology placed the film in 2293, based on McCoy's line saying he'd been Enterprise CMO for "27 years," which assumes a 2266 start date. Most other sources agree that McCoy signed on no later than 2265 (not counting his "original" tenure in Enterprise: The First Adventure) at the start of the five-year mission, which could also render a date of 2292 (or 2291, if one counts The First Adventure and Dr. Piper as just "filling in" for McCoy).
- The novel Sarek takes place one month after the end of the film, and is stated to be in September, placing the Praxis explosion in June, and the main body of the film in August. Memory Beta uses this assumption.
- The launch of the Enterprise-B in Generations must be 78 years prior to 2371, also placing it in 2293, as opposed to 2295 as referenced in early drafts of the script, and used early on as a reference point in novels such as Vulcan's Forge and Federation. It should strictly take place in June, being explicitly 78.2 years prior to the August stardate for the TNG portion of the film, but other sources date it later in the year. November, coincidentally, corresponds to the reference in the Crucible trilogy that places the Enterprise-B's launch three months after the Khitomer Conference, going by the dates from Sarek.
- If one were to ignore all stories set between TUC and Generations, then a three month gap would be reasonable, but since Star Trek: Pendragon includes several of these tales in its continuity, the gap must be longer. The framing sequence of Best Destiny takes place almost immediately after the final scene of The Undiscovered Country, while Mind Meld takes place at most a couple of weeks later. Sarek would then take place a couple of weeks after that. Those events could all conceivably happen, allowing for a six to eight week gap between Sarek and Generations. However, those are not the only stories that come into play in the "final interregnum" of the TOS movie era.
- The Ashes of Eden is somewhat unique. It is the one novel that is truly a direct sequel to The Undiscovered Country, rather than just "one last adventure" in the gap like Mind Meld (the less said about The Fearful Summons, the so-called "official sequel", the better). While later "Shatnerverse" books may not be fully reconcilable with canon or the modern "Litverse" continuity, The Ashes of Eden is, and was indeed referenced in the Litverse. It introduces many elements and themes picked up on not just in Pendragon, but in licensed fiction as well.
- The difficulty it presents for the chronology is that it explicitly takes place six months after The Undiscovered Country -- or rather, after the Chekov and Uhura's "retirement," which places the start of that interval sometime after the events of Sarek. So it's at least seven months after the Khitomer Conference, and it spans roughly four to six weeks. The Enterprise-B is stated to be "nearly finished" and ready to be launched "within the year." The novel was written in a period when it was believed there was a longer gap between The Undiscovered Country and Generations, which typically placed the latter in 2295. It would still be easy enough to reconcile if The Undiscovered Country took place in 2291 or 2292, but the 2293 date for Praxis and the Khitomer Conference has been referenced too many times to discount. Taking all these factors into account, the referenced intervals are:
- "Two months" between the Praxis explosion and the briefing scene in The Undiscovered Country.
- "A month" between the end of The Undiscovered Country and Sarek.
- "Six months" between the start of Chekov and Uhura's undercover assignment (sometime after Sarek) and the start of The Ashes of Eden. Allows enough time for the investigations of the Cartwright conspiracy to have concluded and the peace process to have reached the point it is at in the novel.
- At that time, the Enterprise-B is "nearly ready" and will be launched "within the year."
- Per Crucible: The Fire and the Rose, Kirk's memorial is "one week" plus "a few days" after the Generations prologue, and it has been "three months" since Spock had last seen Kirk at the board of inquiry following the assassination attempt at Khitomer.
- While the Crucible trilogy is not in continuity with other novels, the dating of Kirk's memorial roughly ten days after his "death" is a reasonable reference point. The "three months" reference would indicate that none of the other post-TUC stories occurred in the Crucible continuity, so it is ignored. Similarly, Christie Golden's novel The Last Roundup is irreconcilable with other works; therefore, it too, is ignored in Star Trek: Pendragon continuity, though a few world-building elements have been pulled from it.
- All told, these references add up to at least nine or ten months, the start and end of which must both occur in 2293. This gives us January/February for the Praxis explosion, and November/December for the Generations prologue. Since no other stories take place immediately prior to the Praxis explosion, it has been placed in January. Placing Generations November leaves enough time for various stories tales about the aftermath.
External link[]
- 2293 article at Memory Alpha, the canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2293 article at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
- 2293 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe, the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
2292 | 23rd century 2290s |
2294 |